Austausch mit der Coopers’ Company and Coborn School in Upminster, UK

Nach Pandemie-bedingter Pause konnte unser Schüleraustausch im Rahmen der seit über 30 Jahren bestehenden Schulpartnerschaft zwischen dem SGR und der CCCS in Upminster, in der Nähe von London, im Schuljahr 2021/22 endlich wieder stattfinden. Der Schüleraustausch wird jeweils für die 9. Klassen am SGR angeboten. Viel Spaß beim Lesen der Erfahrungsberichte und Eindrücke unserer letzten Reise!

Die Termine für den Austausch im neuen Schuljahr sind:

Reise nach Upminster: Donnerstag, 16. März 2023 – Donnerstag, 23. März 2023

Besuch in Rheinbach: Dienstag, 6. Juni 2023 – Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023

Die Bewerbungsfrist beginnt im Herbst 2022; die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 9. Klassen werden automatisch informiert.

Ich freue mich auf zahlreiche Bewerbungen für den kommenden Austausch!

Melanie Bau

Koordination Englandaustausch

Schülerarbeiten und Eindrücke des Austauschs 2022

Magda Wiskow, EF

In England everything seemed to be right.

A small town near a big booming metropole.

A long road with a cute candy shop, a restaurant filled with the chatter of a big family.

A huge park perfect for a quick picnic or a afternoon playing rugby.

A school supporting creativity and every thinkable kind of sport.

A community full of friendly faces and polite nods. Everyone knowing everyone.

A cheerful family trusting, caring, loving each other.

A house never quiet in a road always quiet.


Everything seemed right except for the farewell.


Lea Keller, EF




Julia Knauer, EF

My time in England

On Thursday, 24th March at about 05:30 a.m. we got into the bus and started our 15-hour ride to Upminster/England. The ride was really fun and we had the chance to get to know each other better. We arrived in England at around 7 p.m. and our exchange partners picked us up soon after we arrived. At that evening me and my friends’ host families ate together at a Chinese restaurant so we were able to get to know each other better.

The next day we all visited their school (Coopers’ Company and Coborn School) and got to see what their school system is like. We had to dress a little bit more formally than in our school because they were all wearing uniforms. The school is way bigger than ours and the people were really nice and excited to get to know us. After school my exchange partner threw a party, so we got ready for that and waited for everyone to arrive. It was really fun and it got really late so the next day we were all very tired.

On Saturday my host family took me to go see London after we ate breakfast in a cute little café. We travelled there by train and when we arrived there, it was really stunning. Especially the big buildings although it was a bit scary to be in such a big city considering there are so many people. We went shopping for like 4 hours and got food afterwards at a Rainforest Café. We took the train back to Upminster and went straight home. When we arrived at their house, we all chilled in the living room and talked for a while.

Sunday morning I went with my exchange student to her drama class, which was really fun. I got to meet a lot of new people and was amazed by their acting and singing skills. After we went back home and waited for her family because they all came over to celebrate her birthday. That was also really exciting and fun, but it also got really late again so we all went to bed very tired.

On Monday we went to see London with only the German students because our exchange partners had to get back to school. We got to have some free time after we went sightseeing.

On Tuesday we went to Cambridge and were given a tour of the city. Again, without the English students. But we got to spend our time with them when we got back. We met with them outside their school and went home. In the evening some of us went to see the school play. They played The Addams Family which was really amazing and the actors were all so talented.

Wednesday we (all including our exchange partners) to the Central of the London and went to see the St Paul ́s Cathedral which was really amazing. After we got to do boat tour on the Thames from Westminster to Greenwich. When we arrived at Greenwich we got some free time so we were able to go look around. We went back to Upminster by train. In the evening, we all went out to eat pizza and had lots of fun. Sadly that was our last day in England.

On Friday we met at the school so we could drive home again. Saying goodbye was quite emotional for some of us considering that we had just spent a week together and all got really close. We arrived in Germany at around 11 p.m. at our school where our parents picked us up again.

I ́m really glad I joined this exchange because I got to meet wonderful people who I look forward to seeing again soon and I was able to see London and have a lot of fun.