Founded in 1852, Städtisches Gymnasium Rheinbach has always been at the heart of Rheinbach’s commitment to education. Originally a humanist Catholic Gymnasium, SGR is today renowned for its international-cultural profile.

In this spirit, SGR’s bilingual education program inspires students to strive for and obtain internationally recognized certificates (DELF, DELE, Cambridge Certificate, CertiLingua). Moreover, SGR promotes exchange programs with prestigious international partner schools in England, France, Mexico, the USA and China as well as a service project in Togo.

As pertains to cultural education, the school offers a multitude of opportunities such as bilingual drama, a Big Band and an Orchestra as well as cooperations with Beethovenfest Bonn and Bonn Opera. SGR also places a high emphasis on natural sciences and technology. Its state of the art computer and science labs allow students to regularly participate in competitions like “freestyle physics”, “ or “bio-logisch”.

Furthermore, SGR entertains a number of strategic local and regional partnerships such as those with the Netzwerk Zukunftsschulen, ZDI Netzwerk, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and Kreissparkasse Köln.

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